Borderlands_2_Update_v1.8.4_Incl_6_DLC (68 MB) applied over MULTi8 version.Based on Borderlands.2.MULTi8-PLAZA and Borderlands.2.RUSSiAN-PLAZA ISO releases: plaza-borderlands.2.iso/plaza-borderlands.2.ru.iso (19,530,878,976/10,720,968,704 bytes).œCaptain Scarlett and her Pirate s Booty.Once the installation is complete, you can now launch the game using the game s shortcut on your desktop.If using a torrent download, you will first need to download uTorrent. Choose a mirror to complete your download.You will be redirected to a download page for Borderlands 2.
How to Download and Install Borderlands 2 Salvador, œthe Gunzerker, can use his titular ability to temporarily dual-wield weapons. Zer0, œthe Assassin, can temporarily become invisible and spawn a hologram decoy to distract enemies an attack delivered in this state provides bonus damage. Maya, œthe Siren, can œphaselock enemies by trapping them in a sphere of energy for a few seconds. Four playable character classes are available in the base game, each with their own unique abilities and skill trees: Axton, œthe Commando, can summon a turret to provide offensive support.

The gameplay revolves around the completion of missions and the collection of randomly generated œloot (such as weapons, shields, skins, and other items) with various rarities, statistics, and elemental effects. Borderlands 2 is an open world action role-playing first-person shooter video game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games.